Since all my classes have finished, my daily schedule has been shot to hell. The nights that I don't party until two, three, four o'clock are filled with late night movie marathons. I was up until seven the other day, just watching gun-filled movies (told you I go to a school filled with guys!).
I should get to cleaning up sometime. My room has to be inspected. Fun times. I will get charged if it's messy. Actually, I get charged to do anything around here. Charged to do laundry. Charged if I play my music at the wrong time. Charged if my t.v. is too loud. Charged if I put a tiny dent in the wall. I'm surprised they don't have pay toilets here as well.
I need to see if S made it back last night as well. He wasn't done when we left the party. So maybe this is an awful post. I'm rambling. Good thing it's Sunday and I don't have an exam today. That could have been bad. Maybe I'll try to write again when I can form a coherent paragraph.
Love Always,
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Rainy Days

Rainy days are meant for fire places, cuddling, and good books. And don't forget a nice hot coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. Sometimes this is all one needs in life.
But sometimes, rainy days happen and thousands of college students are stuck in dorms, attempting to study for finals. Sometimes, their cuddle partners are off god only knows where, and they are left in their depressing rooms, watching tiny t.v.s and drinking their coffee alone.
But I'm not bitter, oh no. Well, maybe a little. But one day, I will have all those things that I talked about, and I will be happier than a bird with a french fry.
So it's time to study. Calculus is just so much fun. Not really. I'm a terrible liar. Until next time!
Love Always,
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Been A Little While...
But I have a reason! I promise. Actually, multiple reasons, come to think of it.
First, I had a huge business presentation. Massive, 30% of my grade huge. And one member went on a cross country flight (damned aeronautical school) and got stuck because he went out when a cold front was coming through, so we had to do all his work and present without him. The rest of us weren't exactly thrilled.
Then, I agreed to help some fellow students start up our own think tank. We are garnering support from faculty and staff left, right, and center. It's going to be good. Now we just have to convince rich people to part with some of their cash and support us.
And now? FINALS. If you are or have every been a college student, then you know that stands for F*** I Never Actually Learned This Shit. My next one is on Saturday, and it's math. This university just murdered Saturday. Now, how on earth am I supposed to go out for one more night in Daytona when I am expected to know how to do derivatives and integration? But maybe that's the point. Fun killers.
Plus I still have to clean my dorm room. I might be getting a roommate next semester. Knowing my luck, she probably won't speak English, hate country music, and have a bad taste in clothes. My last roommate was pretty sweet, actually. Probably because we are both so similar. We are driving back most of the way together as it is. Fourteen hour drive. Fun times.
So I should probably start on the cleaning or something. I mean, I probably will just sit here and watch T.V. shows on my laptop, but still, I'll write again in a few.
Love Always,
First, I had a huge business presentation. Massive, 30% of my grade huge. And one member went on a cross country flight (damned aeronautical school) and got stuck because he went out when a cold front was coming through, so we had to do all his work and present without him. The rest of us weren't exactly thrilled.
Then, I agreed to help some fellow students start up our own think tank. We are garnering support from faculty and staff left, right, and center. It's going to be good. Now we just have to convince rich people to part with some of their cash and support us.
And now? FINALS. If you are or have every been a college student, then you know that stands for F*** I Never Actually Learned This Shit. My next one is on Saturday, and it's math. This university just murdered Saturday. Now, how on earth am I supposed to go out for one more night in Daytona when I am expected to know how to do derivatives and integration? But maybe that's the point. Fun killers.
Plus I still have to clean my dorm room. I might be getting a roommate next semester. Knowing my luck, she probably won't speak English, hate country music, and have a bad taste in clothes. My last roommate was pretty sweet, actually. Probably because we are both so similar. We are driving back most of the way together as it is. Fourteen hour drive. Fun times.
So I should probably start on the cleaning or something. I mean, I probably will just sit here and watch T.V. shows on my laptop, but still, I'll write again in a few.
Love Always,