Thursday, February 25, 2010


Come celebrate G, B, and K's birthday
guys 5 bucks, girls free
beverages will be available
costumes highly recomanded
girls dress as sexy as possible

Few rules
-respect the house
-no smoking inside the house
-stay inside or outback (if you go in the front my neighbor will shoot u)
-no strangers (must know someone who knows the owners of the house)
-Act STUPID and you will be kicked out
-Have Fun and Enjoy

Yeah, fuck you. You want a costume party, fine. But do not fucking tell me how to dress. I understand that I am in college, and I understand that an adult costume party is different than the one I went to when I was 10. But instructing me to "dress as sexy as possible"? I will dress as sexy as I am comfortable with, and in this crowd, that means NOT VERY MUCH.

Remember about the part where my school is over 80% male? Well, I do. I checked out the confirmed, maybes, and nos on the facebook event page. Less than 1/4 of the yes and maybe groups were chicks. And this is with well over 200 people. They've even invited girls from neighboring colleges.

Facebook is extremely convienent. I found out that several creepy stalker-types are confirmed guests. Whoops, I just remembered, I have to stick my hand in a blender Saturday night. I don't want to miss that. Too bad I won't have time for this party.

Maybe I just prefer to keep my dignity in tact. I like the ability to hold my head up on this campus, thank you very much. Maybe, MAYBE, if I was a senior and I knew I would never have to see most of these people ever again, I would consider it. But I have 3 more years on this campus, and being know as a party girl just really isn't on the agenda.

Don't get me wrong, I like parties. Toga parties, ABC parties, regular old keg parties. But this just does not have a male equivalent, not in this environment.

So sorry boys, you'll just have to do without me on this one.

Love Always (but not really right now because this pisses me off),

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I can't decide if it sucks more that I got the cold shoulder, or that I know that I completely deserved it. It gives a girl things to think about.

Maybe this will stop me from burning so many bridges...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Quitters are losers most of the time...

But not me. I have made the decision to quit smoking. Actually, I am on day number 5 with no cigs. Okay, okay. Maybe I cheated once and took a drag off of roomie's cig, but just a little one. The true test will be tomorrow, when we finish off the beer sitting in her trunk before she flies back the next day.

Do I have the willpower to drink without smoking? I hope so.

That's all I really had to say tonight. Other than my motivation behind it all: really cute awesome boy doesn't like smoking. Well, he's not the total motivation. I do want the ability to play a whole rugby game without feeling like I'm dying. And now I really am done this time.

Love Always,

Monday, February 8, 2010

What's New?

A new roomie for one. She's a cool chick to hang with, but a little hard to live with, or maybe I'm the one that's difficult?

So what's the issue here?

For starters, I like to take my time in the mornings. This means I get up about two hours before class starts. I eat, drink a pot of coffee, shower, and put on my face in that time. Added in here is looking at the ceiling and checking Facebook. Roomie, however, prefers to get up 20 minutes before class, and has asked me to not turn on the sink light. Actually, she is currently napping. I gave up on trying to do my homework after that. I refuse to turn off my music though. Anyways. Ever tried putting on eyeliner in the dark? Well, if you haven't, here's some free advice. Don't.

Second issue is in choice of alcoholic beverages, since we share. Miller Light v. Coors Light. Tequila v. No Way In Hell.

Well, there are other issues, but I don't want to sound like a whining bitch. On to other subjects.

Rugby = fun on game day, evil painfulness for the next four days afterward. I was rookie of the game Saturday. Drank my beer out of a bucket all evening. Good times.

Guys. Oh boy. First of all, I have decided to quit encouraging them to talk to me. It just leads to headache. Like that guy I kissed who has a girlfriend in France. I didn't know about the girlfriend until after. For some reason he thinks I am willing to overlook this little fact and spend a weekend in Orlando with him. It's almost funny.

There is one guy, though. The cute, funny guy who moved out of his parents' house, lives in a clean apartment and is responsible enough to keep a dog. I am willing to encourage him.

Class. Different profs, same bullshit. Although Daddy promised $100 for every A I get, but they have to be straight A's. $600 total. Needless to say, I am studying and doing my homework this semester.

Tell me what y'all have been up to!

Love Always,