Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I haven't written in forever. Sometimes I forget. And I get really busy. And then I have to make excuses to you guys. Besides the title was also the name of my pet rat when I was 14. Oh, wow. So long ago.

So. Updates. Still single, but I have discovered that a girl should not go on a date with one guy, then go on a date with another guy from the same fraternity. Bad plan. Which I now know first hand. And leads me to wonder why girls are sluts and guys are "the man?" Even if I DID NOT SLEEP WITH A SINGLE PERSON ALL SCHOOL YEAR. Okay, it got close once or twice. But it never happened.

Okay. That made me feel a little better. So does the wonderful ocean breeze. I'm currently on vacation in the Outer Banks. So wonderful and relaxing. Or, it would be relaxing if it weren't for the fact that I have not been home since early January and currently have most of my worldly possessions in this temporary home. With twelve other people. Actually, those people are currently demanding that I get ready to go out to dinner, so I will continue this update later.

Love Always,