Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunlight? What is that?

Since all my classes have finished, my daily schedule has been shot to hell. The nights that I don't party until two, three, four o'clock are filled with late night movie marathons. I was up until seven the other day, just watching gun-filled movies (told you I go to a school filled with guys!).

I should get to cleaning up sometime. My room has to be inspected. Fun times. I will get charged if it's messy. Actually, I get charged to do anything around here. Charged to do laundry. Charged if I play my music at the wrong time. Charged if my t.v. is too loud. Charged if I put a tiny dent in the wall. I'm surprised they don't have pay toilets here as well.

I need to see if S made it back last night as well. He wasn't done when we left the party. So maybe this is an awful post. I'm rambling. Good thing it's Sunday and I don't have an exam today. That could have been bad. Maybe I'll try to write again when I can form a coherent paragraph.

Love Always,


Kitty Moore said...

Happy New Year Kait!

Kitty x

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