It is our job to put a resume together, be ready for any interviewing, dress professionally, and act like adults.
Hold the phone. Exactly what kind of resume is actually going to get me an internship with names like these? I'm 18 for crying out loud! As I was writing my resume, I thought of how ridiculous it looks. Job experience? McDonald's and Nike. Yeah, that is great if I'm applying for a job at the local mall. But for an internship with the Department of Defense? Think again, honey.
The interviewing I can handle. Along with the acting like an adult part. There are others at this college, however, that might not be able to handle such a daunting task.
That just leaves dressing professionally.
This is the type of corporate world that expects the best. This means employees should look the part. Men wear ties, and women never go sans nylons. Joy. I haven't worn nylons since the third grade. So off I went to Walmart to buy myself a new garter belt and stockings (I absolutely loathe pantyhose). After hunting down the undergarments section I finally find the things, only to discover that all they have in stock are backseam.
One word. Nightmare.
Oh yeah, they're sexy. But the headache of getting that seam straight is almost worth thumbing my nose at convention and going to the expo bare-legged. Almost. It's just too bad that I will really need that job after school and can't afford to alienate some stuffy recruiter for the sake of my sanity.
And so I will appear at the expo in my consignment shop dress and Walmart stockings on Wednesday, praying that someone might see my determination as a strong point and offer me an internship or co-op. I'll be sure to tell you how it goes!
Love Always,
P.S. I googled to find this picture and do not in any way own it or intend to infringe on the copyright!
It looks like you're aiming high though Kait! How are you going to balance a high powered career with living in the country? Maybe build and run your own airport?
Nah. More like own my own security business. My degree is actually in Homeland Security.
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