Just thought I'd show you some of the employers I talked to on Wednesday. I'm most interested in becoming an Air Marshal, or going into the Department of State's Diplomatic Security. I talked to them both. Both jobs require going to a lot of different places, which I love. I'm leaning more toward Diplomatic Security because there is so much more in that career than sitting on an air plane four days a week.
I have also discovered the need for professional looking flats. I spent two hours walking around and being jostled in a pair of shoes I never meant to do much walking in. Being poor is not good when you need to look your best so you can get a job.
Speaking of being poor, I believe I have hit a new level of poverty. My parents said I've always been there, I was just blissfully unaware until now. This awareness has come from the fact that I go to college with a guy who owns his own helicopter. His daddy bought it for him. Can you say unnecessary? I mean, come on. A freaking helicopter? Okay, so we go to an aeronautical school. There are about 1,000 budding pilots on this campus. However, not a single one of them is learning to fly a helicopter here, because it's not taught here. So tell me again why he needs a helicopter?
And that's just one kid. While I have $30,000 in loans, others are driving brand new Mercedes. Guess this is what I get for going to a fancy private institution. I'll just have to make more money than them. Ha. Yeah right. Last I knew, Feds don't make that much. Oh, well.
Thanks for reading my ramblings!
Love Always,
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