Saturday, October 31, 2009

All The Single Ladies Out There

My fellow single XX Club members, do you ever think you've found a great guy, only to realize he has a fault so huge that you cannot ignore it, but really want to? Well, I have once again come to this crossroads. Let's see what you have to say...

He's funny. He's in the Army ROTC program. He's studying to be a pilot. He likes to have fun.

And that, my friends, is where the problem lies.

He likes to have a little too much fun.

He says he can't stay away from me, and yet the only time I actually get a text or call is on the weekends, at two in the morning, after way too much beer and liquor.

The call is because he wants to "hang out."

Really? Does he really think I am stupid enough to go over to his room, where his roommate is, and "hang out?"

Last weekend, he wanted to appologize for waking me up. So he wrote a note on a post-it, and tried to stick it on my door. Too bad he missed my room by one floor and twenty doors away. Guess those concrete stairs are a little too hard to attempt after a frat party. But maybe it's the drunken thought that counts.

You know what, I am mistaken. Sometimes he does remember me. I got a text message a week or two ago that said, "are you mad at me? I haven't heard from you in a week?" Well, guess what, boy, I haven't heard from you in a week, either. Didn't realize you could only send text messages to someone until after they had sent one to you first.

I guess if it weren't for this guy's inability to call me while sober, I would be flying high. I think I have to just get rid of the tattoo on my forehead. Ladies, you know the one. It usually says something along the lines of "assholes, creeps, and stalkers apply here."

Well, I guess this little rant has showed me that I need to remove J. from my life. It really is too bad that his public face wasn't nearly and charming as his private one.

Love always,


I'm Will. said...

I kept thinking in my head, whilst reading this, 'you need to dump this dude!'.. and it seems like you have / are going to. Anyhow.. do it! :D


Una said...

Honestly, if it starts off the way you described it, i would have dumped him a long time ago. A guy will find a way to talk to you if he wants to and WILL NOT forget your door. Out with the losers, you just learn how to read them, everything else just falls into place after that. :-)

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