Dear Life,
Why on earth do I always pick those who cannot seem to make up their minds? I'm speaking about men, of course. As if I actually need the additional stress of men when I have $30,000 in college loans. But really, is it too much to ask for to find a guy who has a solid stand? Don't answer that.
On a happier note, Holloween is in just a few days. If only I could get my friends to actually dress up, life would be awesome.
As a funny interlude, my business professor completely butchered the pronunciation of my name. The reason this is funny is because he is a born and bred American, and my name is Kait.
I looked over just now and noticed that I have dishes to wash. This shouldn't be a problem, really, except, well, I live in a dorm. Ever washed dishes in a bathroom sink? I think they need to invent disposable, microwave safe cups, plates, and bowls. Now wouldn't that just be fantastic? Bad for the environment maybe, but very good for my frustration levels.
Speaking of frustration levels, Life, perhaps you could do something about my family. My 90 year old great grandmother, bless her heart, checked herself out of the hospital against doctor's orders. Just wonderful. I adore her, I really do, but now her doctor refuses to make house calls. Talk about raising the blood pressure.
So darling, if you could just fix up these little issues, my doctor might not threaten to put me on hypertension medicine the next time I go to see him.
Love Always,
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