Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dear Life, It Is Entirely Too Early

Dear Life,

I am back. The question is why. Why do I find it impossible to fall asleep at night? Why does my first class begin at 8:15 a.m? I do not like it, and I, as Queen Bee of Daytona Beach (or at least my dorm room) declare that it should be changed to something more my liking! Whether or not my executive order will be carried out is another story. Perhaps it would be easier if I just drank more coffee...

I have decided that living on a mostly male campus will, in fact, make me utterly insane by the age of 22. And folks, I'm talking 83% men here. It's not healthy. My best friend? XY. My group partners? XY. The people I sit next to in the airplane class from hell? XY and XY. It is not good for a female to be surrounded by so much male-ness. After all, who exactly am I supposed to complain to when my cramps feel like my uterus is ripping itself apart? (Lovely thought, that.) And who will hate the entire sex with me when a guy does something utterly stupid? I should join a sorority next semester. Get some girly time in.

As I currently do not have a roommate, and have not had one for a month or two now, I am curious as to how people go years living alone. Of course, I come from a large family, whom I adore to no end, but still. Perhaps these folks do not have strong family ties. If that is the case, then I am saddened. I, myself, have come to the conclusion that to live alone can be a lonely experience. Yes, I know, I live in a building with a bout 170 others, but still. Who do you talk to late at night? Who do you count on to eat that mac and cheese dinner with you? I IM my oldest brother quite a bit, and I constantly call my Ma and Daddy. And yes, I really do refer to them as such. Just can't quite get rid of that particular country habit. But I digress. My point is, perhaps it might be healthier for me to have a roommate, even though I have, in fact, taken over the entire room. Not that I am depressed. I am simply a girl, over 1,000 miles away from home, living in a massive tourist town. Wow, that sounds depressing. I need to go to a party.

Perhaps I will write again later, but for now,

Love Always,


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