Monday, November 16, 2009


Its been a while. Unfortunately, I had the mother of all "infections" in my computer. Trojan horse. Actually, I had two of them, imbedded in various parts of my laptop. Which has me beg the question: why?

A computer virus can be harmful, yes. But all these seemed to do was run ads. Actually, I still hear these stupid ads run, but can't find them to shut them off. All I can tell you is that I will never buy Mucinex or Lysol products. Ever.

It's enough to make a girl go nuts. Pop-ups and ads and noises when all I really want to do is listen to a little music and tell y'all about what's going on. Talk about!

Okay, I feel a little better now. Anyways... I joined the women's rugby team. So much fun! Being an Ohio girl, I've never even seen a rugby game before, but that doesn't matter. The others tell me what's going on. And seeing as how there aren't many girls, we practice with the guys. Can you say yummy? Okay, not all of them, but enough of them. And sometimes you need to get up close and personal with them... Now isn't that fun?

Today, we left my business class to watch the shuttle launch. We made jokes about how that would only happen at an aeronautical school like ours. You could actually see the boosters fall right off, and that's about where it dissappeared from sight. Now, I'm not a huge NASA nut or anything, but that is pretty impressive. I mean, the amount of power that had to be putting out... It's just crazy to think about.

Well, I'm off to enjoy the gorgeous Florida weather!

Love Always,


Bamberio said...

Nice work on joining the rugby team, have fun 'practising' with the guys! :-)

OpinionatedKait said...

Oh, I plan on it ;)

Organic Meatbag said...

Rugby team, huh? Watch getting caught in those scrums...hahahaha!

Tina said...

Lovely Florida. I want to go back!

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